
sometimes i have a lot to say, and thats my main blog.
sometimes i dont have a lot to say, and thats this

july 20 11:25am - u guys Math is so hard... what even is a trigonometric identity im gonna SCREAM ! feel very confined at home. might go skating later :)

june 29 12:49pm - why is it so hard to shop for clothes online Smh. actually so annoyingggg... doesnt help that my mom is Not Being Very Constructively Critical !!! She is Just Critical. whatever, i guess its her job but Idk im just annoyed

june 26 12:29pm - ugh i dont wanna go to workkk but itll hopefully be fine. my period is also LATE and its rly annoying because im HOPING and PRAYING it ends before my trip because it would SUCK SO MUCH if it didnt...

june 25 9:58am - SO TIREDDDD ! last week of summer schoollll only 4 more days yay !! and then im ALL DONE im sooo happy dude omg. working on an archived emotion page, dunno if im just gonna copy paste all my feelings All the time or im gonna figure out a way to transfer them easier. Idk tho

june 21 1:52pm - cant wait to get homeee i wanna play minecraft so bad.. but i ahve a paper to work ob . Maybe i will get a Bevvyyy too or maybe make a nice one ! i think i might have figured it out so :)

june 19 11:46am - tired ! only got like 6 hrs of sleep last night bc i went 2 bed too late and the Sunlight woke me but its ok. i hope work will be easy

june 18 11:16am - cant waittt to go home.. hope i dont feel too tired bc i need to buy new pillows bc my current ones r SO BAD FOR MY Head it sucksss i wake up feeling like. headachey :(

june 17 1:17pm - im so tired !! i cant wait to go home and sit in my room and play minecraft... i hope i dont have a lot of homework and i hope work is easy. at least school is off on wednesday !!

june 13 3:10pm - everytime i go back and listen to splitter girl on repeat, the songs even more relatable. its atcually crazy just hpw many of the lyrics i relate to now oh my god

june 13 1:32pm - i cannot wait to go home. i dont want to go to work, and afterwards i have to freaking study for two tests tomorrow. i dont want to go to work at all i am so so so tired. i jsut want 2 do One Thing...

june 12 8:54am - didnt cut as much as i wnated 2 this morning and now i feel So Gross i want . I have so many urges. its my dad's birthday though and i feel so sad.

june 11 2:50pm - scene style is so cool its so prettyyy omg...

june 11 1:07pm - im so sore?? my arms are sore and i need to stretch and i feel soo stiff. cant wait to get home

june 10 11:02am - so tired. almost done w history of art and music. yayyyy

june 6 7:56am - i hate this i hate this i hate this i want to go deeper oh my gosh. why would i ever do this to myself. i cnat wait to get home from work and go crazy. most of the old cuts are healed and there is so much blank space. i am so sorry to my friends

june 5 12:57pm - want to go homeee i am so tired :( hopefully the next 2 and a half hours arent too bad...

june 4 9:20am - so freaking tireddd omg... cant wait 2 get home Oh My Lordd.. legs hurt arms hurt face hurts im s TIRED and SORE what

june 3 10:04am - REDACTED

june 2 10:47am - fit 8 of the 9 Bpd Criteria !!!!!!!!!!!! What the HELL. dawg.. i need 2 fix this omg.

june 1 2:29pm - REDCATED. im gonna play botw

may 29 7:28pm - finished the bottom of the bag and the sides ! just have the handles, pocket and attaching left ! so excited to see the finished product, the colors look so cute !

may 29 2:44pm - no work today YAYAYAY !!! they dont have power so theyre closed for the day. this tote is taking FOREVERRR. so fun tho !

may 29 11:33am - crocheting !! making a tote bag to hopefully use for summer school ! i do NOT wanna go 2 work today tho.... Ugh. hopefully i feel Motivated to go soon bc i dont want it to end up being Boring or Annoying. oh well ! we'll live and ball either way LOLOL

may 25 11:21am - feeling Sickkk.... hate this. dont have appetite, feeling gross, and just overall Bad. Jelp...

may 22 8:51am - ALMOST DONE WITH SCHOOL YAYAYAY A!!!! FINALLY !!!! jetpens order spposed to get here monday too YAYAY !!!! CANT WAIT !

may 16 9:51am - been on made of styrofoam too much... Yikes ! i want to buy the stuff i want. i want the delfonics bag BACK IN STOCK ASAPPPP Omg....... i hope it keeps raining, wont b able to focus at school 2day otherwise...

may 14 10:19am - YAYAYAYAY GOT A 94 ON HISTORY TESTTTT best history test grade ive gotten this whole yr !!! im gonna.... Ignore.... the 86 i got on the quiz tho LOL !!!

may 14 9:28am - so fricking tired. So Stressed. i dont feel like summer is coming, i just dont feel like anything's changing. so so so stressed.... omg...

may 12 4:11pm - had the BEST meet up w/ friend !! scrapbooked a ton and im so happy w/ the finishd product !! i hope we can do that more during summer, i had a blast

may 12 9:08am - my arm burns. i had plans but i dont want to do anything. i just want to suffer honestly... ugh. i hate sundays

may 11 8:37am - studying @ starbies rn !! been thru all the math units once now Yaya Zaza !! gotta work on my history paper but i Super dont wanna do that.... Ngl........ whatever, we'll get thru it ! at least i have yummy bev !!

may 9 9:30pm - omg i hope school tomorrow is alright. too tired to do anything Big, but hopefully i can get Some stuff done. i am so tired rn. at least work was alright. cant wait for 4 pm tomorrow

may 9 9:12am - I am going to KILL this history paper. I need an A on this paper. i am going to schedule So many meetings to discuss this. I Need A Good Grade !!!!

may 8 5:34pm - trying to get on my study grind but im SO UNMOTIVATEDDD Omg.... whatever im almost done for today

may 7 3:43pm - feeling a lot better. no longer As sick but i still feel grosss my throat is itchy and sore and i just feel blehh... probz shoulda stayed at school but im doing the same thing i would have done if i was @ school soooo... onky diff is i have a yummy bev !


may 7 8:31am - stressed As Freajk. physics test in like 15 minutes, im actually gonna fail im so freaking scared

may 4 9:07am - i feel so Sick !! Like actually ! i hope work is easy. i hate studying. i like my coffee. i feel very weak. my head hurts

may 3 9:31am - omg i hate history. i cant wait to go home. i have too many projects. i hope i get a lot done today and tomorrow. i cant wait for summer

may 2 2:27pm - physics is too hard. papers are too hard to write. school sucks. all i want to do is skate !!

may 2 9:08am - blehh its too early for this. at least i am comfortable in a nice sweater. i hope work is easy

may 1 2:53pm - sososo tired... cant wait to be home. i want to crochet

may 1 12:40pm - my stomach hurts a lot, i want a nice drink or snack but i dont have one :( i feel icky