my (BAD) music

ive always wanted to make my own music. ive been a fan of SO MUCH MUSIC since i was a little kid. i remember being OBSESSED with the song 'mean' by taylor swift(idk why) this one cd of jewish prayer songs, and some random kids music band song that i completely forgot the name of. ever since i remember ive been listening to music, and the part its played in my life is kinda unmatched by anything else. ive always wanted to make my own music, whether it meant being a singer, a dj, being a producer or anything. i just wanted to be involved in the process.

so, in february, i decided to buy fl studio. id been getting into more underground music for a while, and just seeing how many people were making such good music completely inspired me to try my own hand at it. and so i bought a 200 dollar program (that was a big moment LOL) and decided to get to work. and, of course, it didnt go well !! ive had a Little bit of practice with music from piano lessons as a kid, but using a digital program to create my own stuff was a whole new ball park. so i experimented and experimented, and since then ive made like one song that im proud of, a Single one i like and would listen to on my own. and i havent really made anything else !! thereve been some Longg periods of time in which i have not made music (i think like 2 months was the longest... ouch) but ive always come back to it. im Hoping this section of my website will keep me in check to keep making tunes, but who knows ! overall, i hope to start posting some songs i like up here, maybe documenting some processes. wish me luck !

ive been making mostly instrumentals, with some vocaloid in the mix (i say as if ive actually Made more than 1 full length somg LOL). ive had to use the synthv trial program bcuz. Um. not gonna drop another 200 dollars !!!! might do it eventually tho because its kinda fun, but i dotn wanna have to buy the voicebanks either so. ive made One song called 3;30 kitchenette that im a big fan of ! might post it up here when i can but who knows, still gotta work on the format and how to put sound links on a site LOL ! other than vocals with synthv, ive also tried to make some breakcore type beats but it didnt rly work LOL. idk how to chop my breaks, i dont even know how 2 make like basic melodies for them to follow but Whatevz ! we'll figure it all out haha

first full song i ever made ! yippee !! made in like.... march ???? idk a long time ago. Which is.... def reflected.... in the lyrics.... LOLZ !! im doing Much better now and hopefully better at lyric writing because lord... this is Def interesting !!! anyways, its pretty bad but im proud of it because it was the first song i ever made so ya !